If three consecutive failed administrator login attempts are made that IP address will be blocked for the amount of time specified in your security settings to prevent against dictionary password attacks. You have several options here, you can wait for the ban to expire at the time displayed on in the error message, you may login from a different IP address, or if you would like to remove the ban, you may follow these instructions:
- Using a MySQL administrative tool such as PHPMyAdmin, select the WHMCS database to use
- Browse to the tblbannedips table
- Locate the row containing your IP address and remove it from the table (usually a red 'X' icon)
The ban will now be removed and access and you should now be able to access your WHMCS administrative area once again. Should you find yourself getting banned often, we recommend adding your IP address to the Setup > General Settings > Security tab > Whitelisted IPs list.